Our app Features

About Healers

A mobile based application for facilitating home visits by doctors on weekends and non-office hours on weekdays. Our tagline ' Healing begins at home', epitomizes the values for which we stand in developing home care. Disruption of the healthcare delivery system by decentralizing the health services so that patients can avail the accessible home care.

Download Healers App today

Download Healers App today

Two Girls working together

Healers is ideally suited to serve:

  • An elderly individual at an assisted living home who has mobility problems but is able to do regular follow ups with Healers app
  • Families with elderly members are able to schedule doctors home visits at their convenience

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Select a suitable plan for your next projects

Our Plans

Starter Plan

$160/mo $140
  • 10 Projects
  • 100 GB space
  • 20 SEO checkups
  • Basic Support

Standard Plan

$240/mo $200
  • 20 Projects
  • 200 GB space
  • 50 SEO checkups
  • Pro Support

Advanced Plan

$360/mo $280
  • 30 Projects
  • 300 GB space
  • 100 SEO checkups
  • Best Support

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